We are glad that after a long break we were able to present ourselves again at CastForge 2024 in Stuttgart, which took place from June 4 to 6.2024

CastForge is the largest trade fair focusing on castings, forgings and their machining. Every two years, the doors of the fair open, where international manufacturers of castings and forgings and highly specialized processors meet with industrial buyers of various industries, such as mechanical engineering, pumps, hydraulics, drive industry, and show their expertise. 

This year, more than 490 exhibitors presented themselves in 2 exhibition halls of the Messe Stuttgart exhibition venue, and among them was our company Kovis livarna d.o.o.

The fair event was an exceptional opportunity for our company to successfully present our activities, innovations and commitments. We are very proud to announce that we have successfully presented ourselves at the fair under the motto “Green Casting”, which emphasizes our commitment to sustainable development and environmental awareness.

We presented our valued customers and future business partners with a state-of-the-art foundry equipped with the latest technology and innovative solutions. Visitors were able to learn about our updated production process, which is designed to reduce the environmental footprint and improve efficiency. In the company, we are aware of the importance of social responsibility, which is why our greatest concern is the implementation of high environmental standards. Our commitment to sustainability is a key component of our business model, which aims to contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.

We built a success story at the fair with Slovenian companies. The exhibition space was set up by the Slovenian company Proevent d.o.o. from Ljubljana, and the catering was taken care of by the guys from the company GMT Event d.o.o. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their contribution. 

We are grateful for all the visitors and business partners who visited us at the fair, and we look forward to further cooperation and joint creation of green solutions in the foundry industry.